Jess Wing

Role in our TF family: Yoga Teacher

Studios you teach at: All of them

Classes you teach: Power Vinyasa, TotalFlow

Favourite class to teach in and why: HOT POWER VINYASA - I love when yogis can leave the mat feeling stronger, lighter and de-congested. A super empowering class to guide!

What do you love about movement? The way it brings me into the present. The release of energy, toxins and congestion in my body. That 45 minutes of it can completely set me up for a productive day.

Fun Facts About Me? I did my yoga teacher training with Total Fusion at the end of 2020 and it was the best thing I ever did. After graduating from a Bachelor of Laws last year I made the leap from corporate to creative. Learning, growing, teaching and being a student at Total Fusion has changed my life in so many different ways and I couldn’t be more grateful.


Cameron Flavell


Kersti Judkins