Cameron Flavell

Role in our TF family: Trainer / ACGM TotalFusion Chermside


The studios you teach at: Newstead and Chermside 


Classes you teach: Afterburn (HIIT, Super Circuit, TABATA), Battleropes & Bells, Boxing, Functional MetCon, Run Club


Favourite room to teach in and why: Functional, the energy and just seeing our members capabilities being pushed to there limits both physically and mentally is just such a boost


What do you love about movement? I just love the way it makes us feel when doing something that truely exposes our bodies potential, being able to listen to how the body feels, and how it moves through all facets of life.

Fun facts about me? I Have run a Half marathon, sub 2 hours, in a pair of Gumboots. I once ate 17 Kitkats in one sitting.


Anna Ryan


Jess Wing