Abs, Buns & Guns With Megan
The most innovative core workout ever created! This Pilates-based class emphasises multi-planar movements that work to target the abs, define arms and lift glutes. Amplify your workout with small weights or feel the burn as a bodyweight-only class.
Class duration: 46 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2 x slider discs
2 x light hand weights or two full water bottles
2 x ankle weights (only if available)

Guided Visualisation With Megan
Designed to help you create a better connection between your mind and body, this meditation class is the perfect way to unwind and regather your inner balance amongst your busy lifestyle. Embrace the whole body experience and prepare to relax!
Class duration: 20 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
No equipment needed!

Crow Pose Series With Megan
Perfect your Crow Pose with Megan in part 1 of our 3 part series
Class duration: 15 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
No equipment needed!

Vin Yin With Megan
Vin Yin is a yoga sequence that combines both Vinyasa and Yin Yoga. By combining both practices, this class encourages you to open your heart to positive energy with a warming Vin flow, then focus on the deep connective poses of a Yin flow. We’ve created this class without music so that you can flow to your own playlist!
Class duration: 60 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2x yoga blocks or text-books as a substitute
1x pillow or bolster
Wall to lean against

TotalFlow With Megan
Synchronise your breath with movement in our TotalFlow yoga class. Designed to aid in all body awareness, alignment and flexibility, this class encourages you to challenge yourself as you flow between sequences and poses. We’ve created this class without music so that you can flow to your favourite beats!
Class duration: 52 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
1x yoga block or text-book as a substitute