Express EMOM with Jamie
Challenge yourself against the clock with Jamie’s every minute on the minute workout! The quicker you get through each task the more rest time you’ll be rewarded! Let’s go!
Class duration: 12 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
1x medium kettlebell

TABATA With Jamie
3 Zones. 3 Exercises. 3 rounds through. Burn up to 1,000 calories in our circuit based class that utilises timed stations to get the most caloric burn in the shortest amount of time.
Class duration: 30 Minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2x moderate dumbbell

Express HIIT With Jamie
Short on time? Get ready to push yourself to the max during this express full-body HIIT class with Jamie. Short bursts of challenge, short recovery and reset!
Class duration: 10 Minutes
Equipment suggestions:
1x heavy kettlebell

Kettle Bell Workout With Jamie #2
Kettlebells are ancient tools used by athletes through the ages to keep in shape and strengthen the body with primal movements. Grab your favourite kettlebells and use your own power to move weight and manage the momentum! This is a skill-based practice that hones in on your technique with continued training.
Class duration: 30 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2x moderate/heavy kettlebells

Kettle Bell Workout With Jamie #1
Kettlebells are ancient tools used by athletes through the ages to keep in shape and strengthen the body with primal movements. Grab your favourite kettlebells and use your own power to move weight and manage the momentum! This is a skill-based practice that hones in on your technique with continued training.
Class duration: 30 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2x moderate/heavy kettlebells