Dumbbell Workout With Marisa #2
Grab your favourite light and moderately weighted dumbbell sets for this 34-minute workout with Marisa! Don’t have dumbbells? Two full water bottles work as a great substitute!
Class duration: 34 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2 x light dumbbells or two full water bottles
2 x moderate dumbbells or two full water bottles

Dumbbell Workout With Marisa #1
Grab your favourite light and moderately weighted dumbbell sets for this 25-minute workout with Marisa! Don’t have dumbbells? Two full water bottles work as a great substitute!
Class duration: 25 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2 x light dumbbells or two full water bottles
2 x moderate dumbbells or two full water bottles

Dumbbell Workout With Shaun
Grab your favourite moderately weighted dumbbells and get ready to sweat through the next 45 minutes as you challenge yourself with Shaun! Don’t have dumbbells? Two full water bottles work as a great substitute!
Class duration: 45 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2 x light/moderate hand weights or two full water bottles