Afterburn HIIT With Morgan
3 Zones. 3 Exercises. 3 rounds thru. Burn up to a 1,000 calories in our circuit based class that utilises timed stations to get the most caloric burn in the shortest amount of time. 45 second intervals focusing on: lower body, upper body, core and H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training) movements using a variety of equipment.
Class duration: 30 Minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2x moderate dumbells
1x Heavy Kettlebell

Afterburn HIIT With Sarah
3 Zones. 3 Exercises. 3 rounds thru. Burn up to a 1,000 calories in our circuit based class that utilizes timed stations to get the most caloric burn in the shortest amount of time. 45 second intervals focusing on: lower body, upper body, core and H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training) movements using a variety of equipment.
Class Duration: 40 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2x moderate/heavy dumbbells
Afterburn HIIT With Cam
3 Zones. 3 Exercises. 3 rounds thru. Burn up to a 1,000 calories in our circuit based class that utilizes timed stations to get the most caloric burn in the shortest amount of time. 45 second intervals focusing on: lower body, upper body, core and H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training) movements using a variety of equipment.
Class Duration: 48 minutes
Equipment suggestions:
2x moderate/heavy dumbbells