Brooke Finato

Role in our TF family: Rainbow Instructor

Studios you teach at: Newstead

Classes you teach: ABG, Afterburn (HIIT, SuperCircuit, TABATA), Barefoot Bootcamp, Boxing, Club Cycle, TotalCycle HIIT, Functional MetCon, Run Club

Favourite class to teach in and why: This is such a hard one because I love them all so much in their own way! Cycle has been my favourite for a long time because I love exercising with the class to really motivate the crew! Cycling to the beat, loud music, rainbow light and awesome tunes - what a combo! I find when my endorphins are on a high and instructing, I can provide so much energy!

What do you love about movement? I love movement! Whether it’s exercising or dancing. It’s such a good feeling and healing for the soul. Movement isn’t all about the physical changes (as good as that is too) but for me and my goal in every class is to show how it can be good for the physical and mental strength it gives you. Especially when you have a hype team to keep you moving, it makes it seem more fun!

Fun Facts About Me? I own my activewear brand BU Be Active (you’ll see the rainbow around the studio). I’ve been a PT since 2016 but I worked more seriously into group fitness when I met Total Fusion mid 2019! I’m originally from Mackay / North QLD and only just moved to Brisbane in 2018 - which I’m absolutely loving! I love fashion and beauty so outside of my natural state at work, I love glamming up for when I do my modelling jobs. I played team sports Touch Football and Hockey for 10 years before I gave it up to take on my fitness studies. Athletics was a massive part of my sporting years with the love of sprinting (and why I love our run club sessions). As you will see in my classes, I love dancing as a hobby and with rainbow strobe lights going off, it’s hard not to!


Fifi Rochet


Melanie Olsen